Say Goodbye to Rough Dry Feet for Good with Peppofoot stick!

Let’s talk about feet. We’ve all got ‘em. Some are pretty, some are ugly, and well, honestly some are really stinky! One of the most common issues people experience when it comes to feet is that they can easily become dry, cracked, and tired! It makes sense when you think about it… After all, our feet carry us around ALL DAY which can’t be an easy task! That said, no one wants to sport a pair of crusty, flaky feet. It’s not cute, and it can even be uncomfortable (not to mention embarrassing!).
If you are looking for a way to show your feet a little extra love and have them soft and touchable in no time (without having to pull out the belt sander), we have got the PERFECT solution for you! Whether your feet are so rough they could cut a diamond mine or whether you are just looking for a little extra pampering between pedi’s, we got you!
It may have a strange name, but our Peppofoot Stick natural foot balm is a real MVP when it comes to taking care of tired tootsies! The Peppofoot stick was the 1st product in the Peppofoot Collection and was developed after we experienced frustrations with other products on the market. So many foot creams and balms either left us feeling too greasy, or the product sunk in too fast, or quite frankly it just didn’t work! Kind of like Goldilocks, we tried everything looking for a product that was “just right,” but since we couldn’t find one that checked all the boxes, we made one!
Peppofoot Moisturizing Stick is made from a rich blend of Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, and Apricot Kernel Oil for superior moisturizing abilities! It also features Peppermint Essential Oil for some minty freshness! Add in Tea Tree Essential Oil for it’s antiseptic properties and a dash of Menthol (for that invigorating toe tingliness) and we found perfection! We truly believe this is the best foot moisturizer on the planet!
Here are a few reasons why we love it so much and why we know you’ll love it too!
1. It WORKS!! This stuff is seriously the jam. Most everyone can tell a difference after just one use! The more consistently you use it, the better the results will be, but you will be amazed at what a difference one application makes! (If it took years for your feet to get trashed, it will take more than 1 night for a full recovery)
2. It’s so easy to use! Rub it on your feet (tops, bottoms. & ankles) at night when you’re lounging around, or in the morning before you take on the day! All it takes is a quick swipe and your toes are golden!
3. Mess-Free Application! The beauty of Peppofoot Stick (aside from the fact that it works phenomenally) is that you don’t have to touch your feet OR the product when applying! One of our pet peeves was rubbing a thick cream on our feet, then having the cream on our hands… then what? You have to get to the sink to wash your hands, but your feet are covered in cream so you feel like you’re stuck… Not a fun situation! Not to worry though, that will be a thing of the past when using Peppofoot!
4. Cotton socks are optional. If you love the coziness of a pair of socks, you can absolutely throw on a pair after applying Peppofoot. On the other hand, if you love being barefoot when you sleep, Peppofoot can still be applied and you can go ahead and put your feet between the sheets with no issues!
5. It’s 100% natural AND gluten free! You know we love keeping it natural around here!
6. It’s TSA friendly (which means it is your new favorite travel buddy!)
7. It makes for an AMAZING gift! Especially for folks who are on their feet all the time – Medical professionals, teachers, first responders, runners and more!
We pretty much think Peppofoot is the best thing out there, but we don’t want you to just take our word for it! Check out these awesome reviews!
- “I love this foot moisturizing stick! This stick has kept my feet soft and supple. It is very rich and creamy and it goes on so smooth and it is immediately absorbed In my feet. There isn’t a residue like a petroleum product would have. I love that I don’t have to get it on my hands!” – Ann P.
- “I received Peppofoot and stashed it away in a drawer while I was shelling out $40 every three weeks to get a pedicure. Then the world shut down and I was faced with feet that needed a belt sander to get them soft. I filed, I scraped, I sanded and buffed and between being hugely pregnant (where are my feet anyway?) and being in flip flops all the time my feet were drier than the desert. My sweet hubs found this in a drawer and started putting it on my tired tootsies and it was so soothing for my sore and swollen preggo feet.” – Catherine W.
- "AMAZING! It's time to get my feet ready for summer - but we are in the middle of quarantine so I am faced with doing this myself - no quick trips to get a pedi for me! I bought this through a Today Show special and started using it because I like the smell of peppermint. In my quest for summer ready feet, I was dismayed by using the pumice stone on my feetin the shower left them ragged feeling, not smooth. I started slathering this on twice a day and I am amazed at how soft my feet are now! It works so much better than I thought - and I've bought extras for my family so we all have soft minty smelling feet!” - Jenea
- “Cracked heels BE-GONE! I recieved this as a gift for Christmas from my sister in law and this is a great product. I have severe cracked feet and to the point where it stings at times so I would highly recommended this product to anyone with cracked heels , when using this consistently I notice my feet are softer and my heels repair faster.” - Megan
In addition to Peppofoot Stick, we offer an entire line of Peppofoot products to care for your feet in every way! Check out our other awesome